SB's cross, being done 8.1.2010. 4 1/2 inches tall, about 2 inches wide. Pink ribbon, traditional yinyan, no color to the cross, I don't think. Very basic.
I call this one Infinity is Godlike, but that's me. Sic-un says it looks like a bee. I doodled into it at work the other day, intrigued enough to redo on paper instead of wipeboard. I'm thinking potential hip design, but it would be a bitch for me to do there.We'll see where this one goes in the future. Each square is 1/2 an inch.
Pi, obviously. Ankle, adding to the aum and the celtic triangle. It fits too well. This picture is, again obviously, blown up. Each little square is 1/2 an inch.
D.o.S-u...Only half...
...Evil, that is.
Yes, laydees and gennulmen, I have put ink into one of Sic-un's kids....
Daughter of Sic-un...DoSu :)
The flash (after about 45 minutes of discussion and sizing and placement and font and color and ink tests)
She's been talking about getting 'only 1/2 evil' on her body for years. Years and years, according to Sic-un. So now that she's 18, 19 in a week to 10 days, she wants her first.
How sweet would it be if Sic-un laid the ink into her? First piece and all that, but "This is my first tattoo...My dad gave it to me."
So he started...
Unfortunately, due to his back (you could see the pain creeping up his face), he couldn't do the outline.
I finished the outline. Sic-un made a statement which kindof resonated with me...I do fine outlines. I use a 3L? Yeah. FINEline... He says speed is a factor.
I say not so much speed as touch, if that makes sense, but I'm probably wrong.
I've always just liked fine line outlines... If I used a 5L, it would be thicker.Anyway, outline. So Sic-un? Do you wanna try some fill? I wanna see you do some fill, even just a smidge so I can get the motioning and angle and all that rather than risking making your daughter's skin look like hamburger with trial and error and you're playing your game so you don't want to hover, and that's cool, but I'm learning, you know?
See that little spot there on the L? Yeah. Just laid in, right before I took over. And in addition to picking BloodRed as the fill, she also bled like a stuck pig. You pick ink from blood (blood is a bit orange-ier when it's wiped out) just by quick scan....ARGH!So I worked on it. She's squirmy! It was hurting her really badly. Very sensitive skin.
Apparently it runs in the family, too, but I think SoSu has a bit better....Control? Yeah. A bit better control.
DoSu? She almost bit through a tongue depressor.
Still, she made it through, she's a trooper. Neat kid. I like both his kids. DoSu? She's smart, gorgeous, nice (seriously, guys? She's GORGEOUS. Like really really gorgeous. Enough to give a complex gorgeous)...And now there's no going back, but due to the pain factors for her skin, she's thinking long and hard about what she wants, where.
Now, it's a kindof bad picture (bad lighting, flash on camera), but I can point out some areas that you may be looking at and thinking 'Hrm. Not too good.'
The "i": I went over the center 2x.
Spots in the 'L' and the 'F' of the HALF: Again-over them 2x, but I think they're pimple scars.
I really really don't want to turn her skin into hamburger at this point. This is her first, I'm still very much a beginner, and I was afraid if I went over it and over it and over it to 'make sure' I was hitting it? Yeah. Burger. Not pretty and it is not my intention or desire to scar. Therefore: It's going to be a 'See how it heals and how it looks after it heals and if it's necessary, I'll hit it again then.'